Press releases
Next stop – World Championships 2009 2007-12-10
The Estoril Portugal XPD race which ended with dramatic surf landings on Sunday afternoon on Estoril beach was followed by a meal and then the prize giving ceremony for all the athletes and race personnel that evening ...
The final stage… 2007-12-09
Today\'s stage took the race from the waters of the Tagus River, back across the mountains and finished on the coast in Estoril....
From land to water 2007-12-08
Day three of the Estoril Portugal XPD Race stated off bright and clear and the sunny weather was a welcome change from the fog and drizzle of yesterday.....
Limestone and fog 2007-12-07
As the second day of the Estoril Portugal XPD Race dawned many of the teams were passing through the Transition Zone (ZT)3, already half way through stage two of the race....
From the seaside to the countryside 2007-12-06
The first day of the Estoril Portugal XPD Race started under a foggy drizzle along the coast of Cascais. Team MilleniumBCP-Porto were first under the starting arch, for a section of inline skating and trikke. The following teams set off at two minute intervals....
The day before 2007-12-05
Members from last year\'s winning team are back, but not racing for Team Sole. Paul Romero is racing for Motorola S.O.S. Mata Atlantica from Brasil, while Aurelio Olivar is racing with the Spanish team, TEVA-La Pinilla. It will be interesting to see the competition between them...